Answers to Common Questions

  • Craniosacral Therapy aims to enhance / optimize the function of CSF (Cerebrospinal Fluid) surrounding your brain and spinal cord. CSF is produced in ventricles deep within the brain and distributed across brain cells to bring nutrients / clear metabolic waste, before draining into the venous system. This process repeats about 10 times per minute, creating the “Craniosacral Rhythm”. If restrictions in nearby structures (cranial bones, dura matter, fascia, muscles) are under tension / restriction this can pull / distort the craniosacral system and flow of CSF. Craniosacral Therapists can monitor the flow of CSF while releasing restrictions in those nearby structures in order to restore the body to homeostasis. A body in homeostasis is free of pain and disease.

    In depth video on CSF

  • SomatoEmotional Release™ (SER) is a therapeutic process that builds on Craniosacral Therapy to help the body release the residual effects of past injuries and emotional trauma. Based on research by Dr. John Upledger and biophysicist Zvi Karni, it involves the release of "energy cysts" where the body retains both physical and emotional energy from trauma.

    Once the therapist identifies the energy cyst, they can begin guided imagery and dialogue based on psychological frameworks like Gestalt Psychology, Assagioli's Psychosynthesis, and Jungian Psychology. This process may involve conversing with different aspects of oneself, specific body parts, a symbolic representation of an emotion or injury, or even another person to address the emotional trauma stored in the tissues.

    For example, one might allow a younger version of themselves to express feelings they couldn’t at the time, engage in dialogue with a deceased loved one, create a representation of their pain to gain insight and understanding, or explore and accept various personas within themselves.

    The potential for healing is endless!

    “It’s like psychotherapy meets bodywork - and the results are incredible!”

  • During a Craniosacral Therapy session you will be lying fully clothed on a massage table, supported with pillows, blankets, and a heating pad in order to make you as comfortable as possible. Similar to a massage therapist, a Cranisacral therapist will move around the table during the treatment in order to gain access to different areas of the clients body. All Craniosacral holds / maneuvers are done through clothing - manipulations of the sacrum are done beneath the top sheet of the massage table for additional privacy. Intra-oral (mouth) work is performed with a gloved hand. All maneuvers are done via light-touch, often times the client doesn’t even perceive the motion. The only thing the client needs to focus on is relaxation and enjoyment, your body with guide the therapist through the session by revealing restrictions and tension patterns that the therapist can interpret and interact with. Sessions can be held with soft music, bird noises, or silence.

    Child appointments will vary depending on needs of child/caregiver.

  • You should receive CST if you are struggling in any way emotionally or physically, are curious about the therapy, or just want to practice some self-care. At the very least, most people experience a deep sense of relaxation.

  • It depends! Like other forms of therapy, Craniosacral Therapy relies on a partnership between the therapist and the client. In some instances, such as acute injury, only one or two session is required to achieve the client’s desired outcome. In other cases, such as chronic conditions, recurring stressors, or emotional trauma, consistent sessions are required to achieve and/or maintain the client’s desired outcome. There is no one therapy that has the power to heal all - but you will never know if CST is the missing piece for you if you dont’ give it a try.

  • Whatever you feel most comfortable in. Thicker and/or restrictive garments such as jackets, belts, hats, and shoes are typically removed to provide better access to the client’s body. However, ultimately I will work within your comfort level.

  • Absolutely! There is large body of research on the effects of Craniosacral Therapy on concussion recovery, post-concussion syndrome, and cumulative sub-concussive events sustained in sports (American football, rugby, soccer etc). Please see The Upledger Institutes's resource page for TBI and concussion for articles, interviews with football players, and scientific studies regarding CST and concussions.

    Mckaila is very passionate about concussion awareness and the benefits of Craniosacral Therapy on recovery. She studied the biological effects of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) in the brains of athletes for her Masters thesis in Neuropathology, and she herself has been suffering from post-concussion syndrome for the last 13 years.

  • Absolutely. SomatoEmotional Release™ (SER) is a therapeutic process that builds on Craniosacral Therapy to help the body release the residual effects of past injuries andemotional trauma. Based on research by Dr. John Upledger and biophysicist Zvi Karni, it involves the release of "energy cysts" where the body retains both physical and emotional energy from trauma.

    Once the therapist identifies the energy cyst, they can begin guided imagery and dialogue based on psychological frameworks like Gestalt Psychology, Assagioli's Psychosynthesis, and Jungian Psychology. This process may involve conversing with different aspects of oneself, specific body parts, a symbolic representation of an emotion or injury, or even another person to address the emotional trauma stored in the tissues.

    For example, one might allow a younger version of themselves to express feelings they couldn’t at the time, engage in dialogue with a deceased loved one, create a representation of their pain to gain insight and understanding, or explore and accept various personas within themselves.

Additional Information:

For more information about CST and it’s applications please check out The Upledger Institute’s website for resources such as articles, ongoing scientific studies, news videos, testimonials, and more!